Wassertipps map

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Use the green button to switch to the nitrate values display. From there, the blue button takes you back to the water hardness.

You can enter a city or postcode in the search field.

If you hover over a point, the location name and the value range are displayed. You can also zoom in and out on the map and move the relevant section using the mouse or your fingers.

In addition to displaying the respective values, the overview also distinguishes between low, medium and high values by colour, medium and high values in colour.

Water hardness:
0 - 8,4 °dH (< 1,5 mmol/l - soft)
8,5 - 14 °dH (1,5 - 2,5 mmol/l - medium)
über 14 °dH (> 2,5 mmol/l - hard)

Nitrate values:
0 - 10 mg/l
10 - 25 mg/l
25 - 50 mg/l

All displayed values come from the respective water suppliers.
As some water suppliers not only provide an average value, but also the minimum and maximum values that occurred in the respective recording period, you have the option of switching between all 3 options in the map display in the following pull-down menu. When displaying the average values, we have calculated an average value between the minimum and maximum if no average value was specified by the water supplier.
For the minimum and maximum values, we always used the average value if this was the only value specified.

The database is constantly being expanded and regularly updated. You can find more information on this on the page Data.
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